Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Maternity Photo Shoot/Baby Update

I haven't really shared any news about little Baby Stocking in a while, but we were really waiting for our 36 week appointment before we could really get any solid details and make any sort of plans. I had an ultrasound at 36 weeks that was the last step in helping us determine our delivery plan. This ultrasound was where we found out exactly how big he was going to be. And by exactly, I mean the doctors could be off by as much as 1.5 pounds.

The ultrasound determined that our little baby was 10 pounds. At 36 weeks.

What did that mean for us?

Well, it meant that unless I went into labor on my own in the next week or so (I didn't), then I would be having this baby via cesarean. If I were to try to deliver vaginally after that point, it would not be good for myself or the baby due to his size. Even if his head were able to fit, his shoulders would likely get stuck, and all of the pressure pushing down on his shoulders during the delivery could result in permanent nerve damage. And nobody wants that.

So, since he didn't come, we scheduled a c-section. This is the part where I was a little sad for a while. NYS will not let a c-section be scheduled earlier than 39 weeks. If anyone remembers my due date, it was December 30th. You know when a week before that is? 12/23. Christmas eve eve. That means that I will be spending Christmas/my birthday in the hospital, which is really the one thing I wanted to avoid.

Since no doctors were available from my practice to perform c-sections on the 23rd, mine is scheduled for the 24th. Although I had a bit of a selfish reaction to start, I feel much better about it now. Sure, I will be spending my birthday with an IV in my arm and nowhere near my Christmas tree or a yule log (even one from YouTube streamed on my TV), but I will by spending it with my baby. My little boy. The tiny human who my favorite person in the world and I made. And that is a great gift.

In one more week, I will have that little guy in my arms!


If you were paying attention to my last post, you will know that Chris's step-dad, Jim, took some maternity photos for us when we were visiting for Thanksgiving! I really love them, I think they turned out great! One of my favorites is when we re-created one of our favorite engagement photos. Take a look:

This one is a side by side of a photo we got taken in the fall of 2011 (right) and the left is fall of 2014! I think I look younger in the newer photo, but Chris looks so much older! (Hunkier, too! ;) )

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