Friday, January 23, 2015

Notes on Motherhood- Volume One

1. I feel like I have probably set a world record by now for saying "he is SO cute" a million times a day. (He is though.)

2. As soon as Harvey was born, I stopped being able to eat my food when it was fresh/hot. My child has some sort of radar for when food gets close to being done, is set in front of me, or is even in the general vicinity. When he senses I am about to eat, he must eat. Right now. I knew this was a thing, but I didn't realize it would set in so quickly!

3. I am mega proud of my baby's buddha belly and burgeoning knee rolls. This kid only gets breast milk, and since it is produced by only me, I feel I get to take all the credit. Plus, chubby babies are literally the cutest of all the babies.

4. Baby clothes should only come in outfits. I have all these random onesies, but no pants to match! I have a compulsive need to put matching clothes on my child (I'm sure this will fade....maybe), but I just don't have that many outfits. Especially ones with long sleeves. It's winter, man! This has lead to me scouring the Carter's/Kohl's/Old Navy/Children's Place/Etc websites, adding a million items to my cart, deciding I am a crazy person and I cannot possibly spend $100 on clothes my child may only wear for a couple weeks, and closing out of the website (and my cart) entirely. Several times a week.

5. I am pretty sure most of my day is spent breastfeeding/pumping or washing pump parts/bottles. It's a rough life. I am trying so hard to build up a supply in the freezer for when I go back to work, but I also want to make sure I am having those bonding moments with H during breastfeeding. I just hate washing all those damn pump parts!

6. I wish hiccups didn't exist. My child HATES the hiccups more than anything in the world. He graciously tries to weather through them at first, but if they stick around for more than 2 minutes, he attempts to yell at them to make them go away. It doesn't work.

7. I cannot feel a single thing on or around my incision from my c-section. It's really weird sometimes. I know it's just my nerves and that they (should) eventually knit back together, but it's really freaky. Although, aside from that, I have felt absolutely normal since probably the day after I got home. SWEET!

8. I love the way Harvey's hair dries into a natural faux-hawk after a bath.

10. How is it possible to love someone this much when they wake you up in the middle of the night, chomp on your boobs, scream in your ear, and pee on you? Probably because he has the cutest gummy smile (even if it is gas), his snuggles are the best thing in the world, and I literally cannot imagine life without him. It may not make the most sense (to non-child-having people), but I love this kid something fierce.

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