I know I'm full of excuses most of the time, and this time is no different. I know a lot of people have been looking for a bumpdate, but I kept forgetting to take pictures! I usually can't wait to get out of my work clothes when I get home, and I inevitably remember that I was supposed to take a bumpdate picture -right after my pajamas are on. This time I took one in the morning before I left for work! Also, I have been busy with all of the appointments I have now, but more of that, as well as an update on my giant belly situation, will come later. Isn't it huge?! Comment with your guesses on how far I'm measuring and I will let you know soon!
How far along? 30 Weeks
Total weight gain: A lot. Too much. But thankfully it appears to be all baby.
Maternity clothes? Absolutely. Even my maternity shirts are starting to get either tight or too short. What do you wear when maternity clothes stop fitting?
Stretch marks? Absolutely. I like to joke that my belly is like a tree- you can tell how far along I am by counting the rings around my belly button. Thankfully the itching has subsided.
Sleep: I was a stomach sleeper before, so I am getting steadily more miserable when it comes to sleeping. However, I still sleep relatively well, all things considered.
Best moment this week: My best moment this week will be on Saturday, I'm sure. Baby shower!!!
Miss Anything? Nothing has really changed for me as far as what I miss. I will be drinking a tall frosty mug of beer and a glass of Riesling and chasing it with a sandwich chock-full of deli meats as soon as this baby makes his debut.
Movement: Sometimes I feel like he is trying to push his way out of my belly -- too bad for the little guy, it's not working. It is fun to watch him try though!
Food cravings: Chocolate. Not Hershey's chocolate, the good stuff- Lindor chocolate. Lindor chocolate truffles. Unfortunately good = expensive. But I am definitely known to grab a truffle bar from the check out lane at the grocery store.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! So grateful for that.
Gender: Boy!
Symptoms: I feel uncomfortable a lot of the time. I can't sit, stand, or lay down for too long.
Belly Button in or out? It alternates between slightly-stuck-out and flat, depending on the baby's position.
Wedding rings on or off? Either only one, or off. I really miss them, actually.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy! I get a little emotional about all of the money I need to pay- with this polyhydramnios (extra amniotic fluid) business, I need to have a lot more appointments so it gets a little overwhelming.
Looking forward to: The holidays. I think Baby Stocking will make his debut closer to Thanksgiving than to Christmas, and that makes it even more exciting!! My friend Ashley has made it known that if the baby is born before Christmas (I really hope so), then we better get a picture of him in a Christmas stocking :) I agree.
10 Weeks (or less) to go!